San Francisco Superior Court
File & ServeXpress has been providing electronic filing and service in San Francisco Superior Court cases since 1998.
San Francisco Superior Court has mandated electronic filing for original filings in over 20 General Civil case types. File & ServeXpress provides eFiling and eService in Asbestos, Civil, Criminal, Complex, Family, Probate, and Unlawful Detainer case types in the San Francisco Superior Court. For more information, visit the Court’s eFiling Information page.
FSX offers training and customer support to assist in this electronic filing expansion project. On this page you can access printable training guides, video training services, or register for scheduled webinar training sessions.
California CARE Court
File & ServeXpress is now offering eFiling in the new California CARE Act Court. The Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act authorizes specified adult persons to petition a civil court to create a voluntary CARE agreement or a court-ordered CARE plan that may include treatment, housing resources, and other services for persons with untreated schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
For more information, visit the Court’s Information page or our CARE Court Resources page.
Domestic Violence & Parentage Expansion
Effective January 3, 2023, eFiling of new and subsequent filings in all Domestic Violence (FDV) and Parentage (FPT) case types in the Unified Family Court is available through File & ServeXpress.
eFiling into these case types will become mandatory for all filers on July 1, 2023. For more information about this expansion to the San Francisco Superior Court’s eFiling program, click here to view the Court’s recent press release.
Documents & Guides
frequently asked questions
- Letters of Administration
- Letters Testamentary
- Original wills
- Certified copies of Death Certificates with Affidavits pursuant to Probate Code 13100, et seq.
- Certified copies of Birth Certificates
- Certified copy of Spousal Property order
- Certified copy of Letters when required for final distribution
- Inventory and Appraisal
- Confidential Statement of Birth Date and Driver’s License Number
- Confidential Documents
For clients seeking information from the court regarding new case filings, please email sfefiling@sftc.org. If inquiring about the status of your new/originating case filing(s), please be sure to include your transaction ID.
If you are unable to find your San Francisco Family Law dissolution case online, please contact Client Support at 888-529-7587. Our Client Support staff will request the case from the court for overnight delivery. Please note that only the dissolution case class (case number prefixes beginning with “FDI”) are subject to electronic filing. We cannot add cases with the prefixes of “FDV”, “FMS” or “FPT.
Upcoming Training sessions
Request a training session by contacting support@fileandserve.com.