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Court of Common Pleas

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Court Information
View the Court of Common Pleas website for further details regarding rules, forms, and other instructions: Enabled Case Types
Abandon Property Declaratory Judgments Negligence-Property Action
Administrative MV Appeal Defamation and Libel Actions Personal Injury
Birth Certificate Dog Panel Appeal Petition for Writs
Breach of Contract Errors & Omissions Actions Red Light Appeal
Change of Name Petition Expungment 4-904 (o) Replevins
Civil Actions T/Enforce WRK Comp Foreign Judgment Speed Case: Claim Value $10,000 – $50,000
Civil Judgment Habitual Offender Petition Speed JP Appeal: $10,000 – $50,000
Commissions Interpleader Statutory CV Actions (Cons Frd)
Confirmation of Arbitrator Award JP Appeal With Fees Subrogation
Consumer Debt JP Appeal Without Fees Tort Claims for Conversion
CP Civil Case Types Mesne Attachment
Debt Negligence-Personal Injury Act
Rules and Orders: Filing Deadline: 11:59 P.M. Electronic Signature Requirements: /s/ First Name Last Name